€ 5,99
The book is in excellent condition only a pricetag on backcover
Writer: Sean Ruffner & Brett Booth
Penciler: Brett Booth
Year: 1997
When Venom interrupts Pike’s search for Taboo and Backlash, Pike proposes an alliance. Venom agrees. They ambush Taboo, whom Venom believes to be a Carnage symbiont. Spider-Man (Ben Reilly, not Peter Parker) leaps in to try and help her, but is distracted when Pike pushes a baby into danger. He returns in time to push Marc Slayton away from a wiggling piece of Venom’s suit, left behind in the melee. Returning to the scene of the crime that night, Spidey finds Backlash waiting for him. The two agree to try and track down the kidnapped Taboo.
Weight | 0,2 kg |